How Journey Works


Potential contributors submit applications to Journey, which undergoes a thorough manual review to ensure compliance with Journey’s criteria. Upon approval, applicants are encouraged to connect with the organizations they are interested in and begin developing project proposals based on the suggested ideas. During the initial weeks, Journey applicants familiarize themselves with the community’s practices and start working on solving small tasks. Applicants should also develop a plan on how they want to tackle the project propposed by the organization they are applying to, by the end of the month they must submit this project to the mentor they are interested in working with. Organizations, then, make selections on which contributors to invite. The selected Journey contributors then dedicate 12 weeks to developing their projects.


Open source projects apply to be mentor organizations. Once accepted, organizations discuss possible ideas with contributors and choose the proposals they wish to mentor for the summer. They provide mentors to help guide each contributor through the program.


Community members and committers who are already active in the mentor organizations can volunteer to be mentors for contributor projects. Mentors and Journey contributors join forces to set some rad goals for the program period. Having an awesome mentor is a key part of the Journey experience – their guidance and support make all the difference!